I loved her hair! She had a braid on the side and real flowers.

The ceremony took place on a grassy area in front of the vineyards, and between two barns. Denmark Street Vineyards is a beautiful location for any brides looking for outdoor, rustic wedding venues.

Ohhh, the orange glasses. Jason LOVED the orange glasses. I say loved, because seconds after this picture, Kati grabbed them off his face and they accidentally snapped in half. It was quite a sad moment for him!

How cute is the little ring bearer in front?! He posed like superman all on his own.

A barn with moss growing on it, a vineyard with great lighting...I really couldn't ask for better backgrounds for portraits

They had ice cream AND cake. I've seen ice cream in leu of cake, but never both. It was pretty great for those of us who have a big sweet tooth. The kids loved it as well!

I don't remember the song that was playing at this moment, but if I had to guess by the dancing, I would say it was probably "Get Low" by Lil Jon. Anyone else have any guesses?!

My assistant, Betsy, took this picture. I love how the people dancing in the barn are a big blur.

That's the grooms mom in the middle of all the groomsmen!

Job well done! My friend, you are so so talented! Loved the update about your wedding, it's fun to relive the night via photograph.